Ngā Kōrero Whakanikoniko, Rima: Māori Language Proverbs and Colloquial Sayings
Kia ahei te tauira ki te whakamahi i nga mohiotanga o te here tangaengae tangata, taiao hoki e hangai pai ai te whakaputanga o nga whakaaro i TteRreo Maori hei nga horopaki ka tohua. To enable students to apply concepts of interpersonal and ecological relationships in order to communicate appropriately in Te Reo Maori in prescribed contexts
Information | |
Course Code | TREO502 |
Level | 5 |
Credits | 15 |
Whiriwhiri, ā, whakamahi hoki i ngā kīanga hei mihi ki te mana whenua, ki ngā tūtohu whenua, ki ngā here marae anō hoki.
Select and apply appropriate phrases to acknowledge the local people, places and connections to marae.
Tātari, ā, whakamahi hoki i ngā kīanga hei whakaputa i ngā huatau.
Analyse and apply kīanga to express ideas meaningfully and comprehensibly.
Tohu me te tātari i ngā rautaki āpiti/whakakau kupu.
Identify and analyse mechanisms to modify words.