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Reo mo nga Whainga a RInga Reo for Practical Purposes

The aim of this course is to provide students with advanced intermediate level Reo for practical purposes, on familiar and unfamiliar topics in workplace or academic contexts.

Course Code TREO412
Level 4
Credits 15


Whakamahi i ngā pūkenga whakarongo o te reo mō te horopaki mahi me te horopaki ako mō ngā kaupapa kua mārama ki te tauira.
Apply technical listening skills of advanced intermediate Reo for practical purposes, on familiar or sometimes unfamiliar topics, in workplace and academic contexts.

Whakamahi i te reo reretau, i te reo tene hei whakapuaki kōrero mō te horopaki mahi me te horopaki ako.
Speak in Reo with fluency and spontaneity to communicate information for practical purposes, on sometimes unfamiliar topics, in workplace and academic contexts.

Whakamārama me te whakamahi i ngā kōrero me ngā tātaritanga i tuhia mō te horopaki mahi me te horopaki ako.
Explain and use accounts and analyses written for practical purposes in advanced intermediate Reo in workplace and academic contexts.

Tuhi i tētahi tuhinga ōkawa, tuhinga tātari rānei mō tētahi mahi tūturu hei te horopaki mahi me te horopaki ako.
Write a formal account or analysis in advanced intermediate Reo for a practical purpose in workplace and academic contexts.

Delivered as part of the following programmes