Mana Reo 2
This course aims to enable ākonga to develop foundation level knowledge and skills to express connections with mana whenua through the land, the environment, prominent places and people of the area.
Information | |
Course Code | CSEP201 |
Level | 2 |
Credits | 15 |
The learning outcomes for this course are:
1. Whakahua pepeha, whakahua whakapapa, ā, ki te whakahua kōrero mōna anō. Recite their pepeha, whakapapa, and provide information about themselves
2. Whakamāramahia te tikanga me te hirahiratanga o te pepeha, te whakapapa me ngā kōrero mōna anō i te ao Māori. Explain the purpose and place of pepeha, whakapapa and kōrero mōna anō in te ao Māori